Monday, April 12, 2010

Every girl needs a...

Chanel! I believe a Chanel is a must have bag of every true fashionista.. Unfortunately my pockets aren't deep enough to actually purchase one for myself :C I adore the Chanel 2.55 as I think their absolutely the bag that takes you places and will look great both when your dressed to your nines or simply having a girl's day out... It brings your outfit up a notch..My mistake 10 notches!
And is true that more are getting educated on the value of a Chanel handbag...That things are starting to become a blah..with everyone toting around the same bag..For vintage girls like us...we turn to our mother of second hand and buy not what the masses have but a VINTAGE Chanel bag that is truly and uniquely ours.
I love vintage...and I think the older versions look prettier and carry more of Coco Chanel's flair.I really hope I can get a vintage chanel of my own someday.. plus the prices are much lower than the current one in stores..double the win!

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