Monday, April 19, 2010

Is it authentic?

Vintage! After doing a little bit of research online... I found out that I'm not the only one who is obsessed with Vintage... Infact there is a steady trend of growing vintage fans around the world! But that is not the focus of today's post..

Instead I would like to figure out some fire-proof ways of distinguishing true vintage pieces from those that are vintage inspired or counterfeits..Many a times I find myself wondering if the item I'm about to purchase is a true vintage piece... I feel really cheated if it isnt :C

I found some really useful websites that, I thought were really helpful: has some really wonderful stuff about vintage and thrift shops.. that I got really engrossed until I forgot about my post! Do check it out if you are interested in vintage and trying to hunt for some at local thrift stores (:

By the way... I went to Flea.Fly.Flo.Fun. last Saturday at F1 pit building and it was amazing! It was also really there were about a handful of shops selling vintage threads and accessories..I really liked some of the dresses...
moreover they were gping really cheap at $15! However... many of them didnt fit me or looked a little too costume like.. Vintage bags were many... but I didnt think it was right to splurge on them as I already had quite a collection going for myself... There was also polaroid cameras! going at a price of $60-$120!
I didnt have much cash at hand... so I didnt wanna get it :C

I saw a really pretty pair of sparkly vintage earrings I liked..but I felt they were a little over my budget so I didnt get them :C

In the end I got myself 2 hairpins, a cool leather belt with green polo men on it and a men's red shirt! Jerome and I also had our potraits painted!

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